Vision and Mission

The vision of KMI is to train church planters, Indigenous leaders, and disciple-makers, sending, and where applicable, supporting those in the field who are establishing new churches. Thereby reaching the nations with the Gospel of Jesus. Community Development is also envisioned as a supportive arm of this vision.

KMI Pakistan Church , Ministry in Pakistan, Baptizing in Pakistan, Christians in Pakistan, Christian organisation in Pakistan
KMI Pakistan Church , Ministry in Pakistan, Baptizing in Pakistan, Christians in Pakistan, Christian organisation in Pakistan
Mae sai outreach, Outreach in Maesai, Golden Triangle Thailand Outreach, Thailand Outreach
Mae sai outreach, Outreach in Maesai, Golden Triangle Thailand Outreach, Thailand Outreach
five children smiling while doing peace hand sign

KMI places a strong emphasis on training individuals in evangelism, discipleship, and church-planting, recognizing the importance of equipping believers for effective ministry.

  • Equipping: KMI is committed to equipping individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to fulfill their calling and make a significant impact in their communities.

  • Effectiveness: KMI seeks to model leadership that is rooted in integrity and effectiveness. Proverbs 11:3, Proverbs 10:9.

  • Partnering: KMI is committed to partnering with others who seek to enhance all members of the Body of Christ regardless of their national origin, gender, role, or ethnicity. II Thessalonians 1:11-12.

  • Humility: KMI seeks to serve, churches, organizations, and individuals with humility and respect for their calling before God. II Chronicles 16:9; Zechariah 4:6-10.

  • Mentoring: KMI always endeavors to uphold biblical standards as the true measure of all leadership and not cultural standards while recognizing as essential the adaptation of language, style and form in communication. II Peter 1:3-8.

  • Holism: KMI affirms the holistic nature of the Kingdom of God, understanding that there is no division between evangelism, personal transformation, and social impact. The organization recognizes the interconnectedness of these aspects in fulfilling the mission. Luke 4:18-20, James 2:26, Matthew 21:43.

  • Love: KMI's foundation is rooted in love, both for God and for others, as exemplified by the greatest commandment to love God and love our neighbors.

  • Empowerment: KMI is committed to empowering individuals to discover and utilize their God-given gifts and talents for the advancement of the Kingdom.

  • Faithfulness: KMI values faithfulness to God's calling and His Word, striving to remain steadfast in fulfilling the mission and purpose set before the organization.

Training , Equipping, Effectiveness, Partnering, Humility, Mentoring, Holism, Love, Empowerment, Faithfulness Training :

KMI's Core Values

Here's what our partners say

"I am incredibly grateful to be a part of Kingdom Mission International's team. The dedication and passion of everyone involved in this organization are truly inspiring. KMI's vision of training church planters, leaders, and disciple-makers is making a significant impact in communities worldwide. It's an honor to be part of an organization that is so committed to serving God's Kingdom and bringing the Gospel to those in need."

- Asher David

"I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the transformative work of KMI in communities around Asia. The holistic approach of addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs is truly making a difference in the lives of individuals and families. Through KMI's projects, I have seen hope restored, lives changed, and the love of Christ shining brightly. It's incredible to be part of a team that is dedicated to making a positive impact on this planet."

- Suleman Elvin

"As a pastor, I have partnered with Kingdom Mission International in several projects, and I am amazed by their commitment to training and equipping church leaders. KMI's leadership training initiatives have been instrumental in strengthening our local church and empowering our leaders to make a greater impact in our community. Their heart for the Great Commission is evident in everything they do, and I am grateful for the support and resources they provide."

- Pastor Adnan John