A Message from the Founder.
On January 12th 2022, Kingdom Mission International celebrated its tenth year as a missions entity.
Since 2012 we have trained more than one hundred young people to serve the Lord in a ministerial capacity, with several of our graduates going on to plant churches or to be actively involved in other ministries. During this time, we have endured our share of hardship and testing but the Lord has always been faithful in meeting our needs in terms of personnel, financial, and spiritual blessings. The important thing is that we have held our ground through the storms and seen the deliverance of our God. Through the trials we have no alternative but to trust Him more and when we trust Him, He opens the doors. What a joy it has been to see the transformational work of God in our candidates, most of whom trained with us for several years. One of the major benefits of a live-in situation is that we leaders get to know and work on issues not afforded by online or daily attendance. Living by faith has its challenges. I remember one night we were completely out of money, without enough to buy breakfast for our students and staff the next morning. After prayer and without telling our students, there was a knock on the door about 10:00 pm and one of our students came with enough money to get us through. I love that scripture: 'I was once young, indeed I am now old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread’. (Psalm 37:25) In 2012 we started with 8 Myanmar students in the northernmost Thai town called Maesai. Now we are starting to plant bases in Myanmar, Thailand, and Pakistan.
Our aim continues to be to train those whom God sends to reach the lost and to help establish His Kingdom. We are now also doing online training in Pakistan with already one church established in Lahore and three other satellite churches in the making.
I met Jesus when I was thirteen years old. From that moment on my life has had purpose and walking with Him has been my greatest adventure and joy. Please join with us in the harvest of souls in Asia.
Remember what He said in Luke 10:2, "And He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest. We can labor by going, by praying, and by giving'".